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Music Mood Representations from Social Tags

Title Music Mood Representations from Social Tags
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2009
Conference Name International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference
Authors Laurier, C. , Sordo M. , Serrà J. , & Herrera P.
Pagination 381-386
Conference Start Date 26/10/2009
Conference Location Kobe, Japan
This paper presents findings about mood representations. We aim to analyze how do people tag music by mood, to create representations based on this data and to study the agreement between experts and a large community. For this purpose, we create a semantic mood space from tags using Latent Semantic Analysis. With an unsupervised clustering approach, we derive from this space an ideal categorical representation. We compare our community based semantic space with expert representations from Hevner and the clusters from the MIREX Audio Mood Classification task. Using dimensional reduction with a Self-Organizing Map, we obtain a 2D representation that we compare with the dimensional model from Russell. We present as well a tree diagram of the mood tags obtained with a hierarchical clustering approach. All these results show a consistency between the community and the experts as well as some limitations of current expert models. This study demonstrates a particular relevancy of the basic emotions model with four mood clusters that can be summarized as: happy, sad, angry and tender. This outcome can help to create better ground truth and to provide more realistic mood classification algorithms. Furthermore, this method can be applied to other types of representations to build better computational models.
preprint/postprint document