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Seminar by Massimiliano Zanin on Complex Networks



Massimiliano Zanin will give a research seminar on "Complex Networks and Recommendation Systems" on Wednesday June 18th at 13:00h in room 301 of Ocata.

Abstract: The field of Complex Networks has received in last years a lot of attention from the research community: and this is mainly because it can explain the structure of interactions inside a complex system from a global (or topological) point of view. Between others, it has been applied to sociological networks, information transmission optimization, vulnerability forecasting, and to any other context involving a great number of interacting agents. In this talk, Complex Networks will be used as a tool for improving classical Recommendation algorithms: specifically, the effects of the Preferential Attachment growing mechanism are studied, along with a new algorithm for information spreading. The main results obtained by the author will be explained, along with some future lines of investigation.



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