Back Seminar by Eugenio Tacchini on Music Recommender Systems

Seminar by Eugenio Tacchini on Music Recommender Systems



12 Mar 2015

Eugenio Tacchini, from Università Cattolica di Piacenza (Italy), gives a research seminar entitled "State of the art of Music Recommender Systems and open challenges" on thursday March 12th 2015 at 15:30h in room 55.410, Tanger Bulding, Communication Campus of the UPF.

Abstract: The seminar will provide a comprehensive overview on the state of the art of Music Recommender Systems, highlighting practical implementation issues and focusing on some open challenges including the serendipity and diversity aspects of recommendations, the trust issues and the problems related to music profiles portability. The lesson learned during the implementation and running of the recommendation radio Mentor.FM will be shared with the audience.
Bio: Eugenio Tacchini graduated in Economics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza (Italy) and in Computer Science at the Università degli studi di Milano (Italy), where he also got a PhD in Computer Science in 2012 with a thesis on Music Recommender Systems. During his PhD he has been visiting researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin, working on Semantic Web and linked Data and at the University of California, Berkeley, working on Recommender Systems. He is currently a lecturer of Information Systems a the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza and an entrepreneur in the fields of Rapid Application Development tools and Music Recommender Systems. During 2015 he also teaches an introductory course to Recommender Systems at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain).



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