Back TONAS: a new dataset of flamenco a cappella sung melodies with corresponding manual transcriptions

TONAS: a new dataset of flamenco a cappella sung melodies with corresponding manual transcriptions



As a little Friday gift, we're glad to announce the release of a new dataset of flamenco singing: TONAS

The dataset includes 72 sung excerpts representative of three a cappella flamenco singing styles, i.e. Tonás (Debla and two variants of Martinete), together with manually corrected fundamental frequency and note transcriptions.

This collection was built by the COFLA team in the context of our research project for melodic transcription, similarity and style classification in flamenco music.

Further information about the music collection, how the samples were transcribed and by who, is available on the dataset website, where you can of course download the audio, metadata and transcription files.

We hope that you find this collection useful, whether for automatic transcription of the singing voice or any other research topic (e.g. pitch estimation, onset detection, melodic similarity, singer identification, style classification), and we hope this dataset will increase the interest of our scientific community on the particular challenges of flamenco singing.

We would be very interested to receive your feedback.

Best regards,

The COFLA team

TONAS dataset website



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