Back MELODIA downloaded over 250 times and HPCP reaches 100!

MELODIA downloaded over 250 times and HPCP reaches 100!



MELODIA, our melody extraction vamp plug-in by Justin Salamon reached its 250th download yesterday! Also, our recently released HPCP vamp plug-in by Emilia Gómez and Jordi Bonada has just reached 100 downloads!

Apart from obviously being excited about the interest in both plug-ins, we were also really surprised by the wide range of uses people have found for them. For MELODIA, in addition to the perhaps more expected research purposes (transcription, query-by-humming, computational musicology and ethnomusicology, music similarity, structure analysis, etc.), people have downloaded it for educational use in schools and universities, for music composition (for example for synthesizing natural sounding vibrato by using the pitch curve generated by a real singer, or for vocaloid compositions), for checking out the current state-of-the-art (including some commercial companies), and even just to "view music in a different way" and "for fun".

HPCP has also been downloaded for a variety of purposes including composition, analysis, education, alignment of different audio recordings, comparison of chroma-related features for retrieval in musical heritage collections, to analyze recordings of electronic music, to study song structure and even just to "Have fun with HPCP".

So... what next?

If you haven't already, you can try out MELODIA and HPCP for yourself:



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Els ODS a la UPF
