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Crossole: A Gestural Interface for Composition, Improvisation and Performance using Kinect

Title Crossole: A Gestural Interface for Composition, Improvisation and Performance using Kinect
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2012
Conference Name Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)
Authors Şentürk, S. , Lee S. W. , Sastry A. , Daruwalla A. , & Weinberg G.
Pagination 449-502
Conference Start Date May 21-23
Publisher University of Michigan
Conference Location Ann Arbor, Michigan
Abstract Meaning crossword of sound, Crossole is a musical meta- instrument where the music is visualized as a set of virtual blocks that resemble a crossword puzzle. In Crossole, the chord progressions are visually presented as a set of virtual blocks. With the aid of the Kinect sensing technology, a per- former controls music by manipulating the crossword blocks using hand movements. The performer can build chords in the high level, traverse over the blocks, step into the low level to control the chord arpeggiations note by note, loop a chord progression or map gestures to various processing algorithms to enhance the timbral scenery.