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An adaptative real-time beat tracking system for polyphonic pieces of audio using multiple hypotheses

Title An adaptative real-time beat tracking system for polyphonic pieces of audio using multiple hypotheses
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2001
Authors Mayor, O.
Abstract In this paper a method for extracting beat information of a piece of music is presented, a real-time analysis is performed while the music is played or recorded from any source and the system gives the beats per minute value at each moment and beat occurrences in time. It also becomes adaptative in case of a sudden or smooth change in the tempo. It deals with multiple hypotheses, and gives the most suitable results at each time. One of the most important applications linked to this work is the automatic classification of pieces in different musical genres or finding song similarities in terms of musical rhythm.
preprint/postprint document files/publications/mosart2001-mayor.pdf