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Graph grammar representation for collaborative sample-based music creation

Title Graph grammar representation for collaborative sample-based music creation
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2010
Conference Name 5th Audio Mostly Conference: A Conference on Interaction with Sound
Authors Roma, G. , & Herrera P.
Conference Start Date 15/09/2010
Publisher ACM New York, NY, USA
Conference Location Pitea, Sweden
Abstract This paper proposes a music representation for collaborative music creation using shared repositories of audio samples. We explore the use of the graph grammar formalism to organize collective work on musical compositions stored as graphs of samples, and describe an experimental prototype that implements this concept. We then use the compositions created by di erent users with the prototype to show how this representation allows tracking and analyzing the music creation process. Potential applications of this include nding similarities between artists or suggesting sounds for a given compositional context.
preprint/postprint document files/publications/a17-roma.pdf
Final publication 10.1145/1859799.1859816